We offer holistic, trauma-informed and identity-centered safety training for journalists, documentarians and media-makers.

Our trainings rely on comprehensive threat modeling and risk assessment. They incorporate mental health, cultural environments, digital safety, first aid and situational awareness.

Our team of safety advisors consists of journalists, educators and comms specialists with 20+ years experience reporting in wide-ranging global environments including civil unrest, combat zones, and environmental disasters. This includes extensive experience in digital security, strategic communication, science-based de-escalation practices and trauma-informed practices.

*A note on language: The historical use of the term “hostile” to frame safety trainings (such as in the commonly-used term Hostile Environment & First Aid Training or HEFAT) comes from a militaristic view of the world that creates an us vs. them mentality between journalists and the communities they report on/within. Our security advisors know that when media workers enter most spaces outside of combat zones with a mentality that sources are hostile combatants, that ideology INCREASES risk for media workers.

Aegis uses a holistic training method that applies culturally knowledgeable and identity-aware reporting practices beyond the idea of hostile environments, toward harm reduction for all involved in the reporting environment.